you might be in the army if…
after your Army boyfriend asks you a question ending with, Hooah??
You talk to your mom and dad and say: roger and negative with each question they ask.
You are discharged from the Army and still drop and push 10 out when you do one little thing wrong.
You make a list of details for your S.O. to do while your gone to work and you inspect his work when you get home.
You are discharged from the Army and still can’t walk straight, meaning you still march around and turn corners funny.
You carry everything in your left hand when you’ve been out for a year.
You deploy and hook up a stereo system in your Hummwv with small speakers and get away with it.
You deploy and your mom sends you bags of M&M’s for your missions to share with your team members.
You are a female and after learning that you can’t look like GI Jane with no hair you still want to shave your head even though its against the Army standards.
You can run faster than most men in your company.
You are discharged from the Army and your best clothes are still your Class A’s.
MRE’s are your favorite food over pizza.
Your favorite thing to do at 0430 is PT.