The following are ways of expressing the snow hysteria (especially on Twitter):
- snOMG
- snowmageddon
- snoWTF
- ohsnowudidnt
- snoverkill
- snowicane
- snopacalypse
- Some other snow portmanteau may be found on A Daily Portmanteau: Snowmenclature, including: snovice, snowhere, snowonder, snowbegone, snowmad, state of snomergency, snoway, snovacaine, snoxious, snowbotomy, snooky, snowcreation, snaction…
- From TSNONami – tSNOnami, SNOzilla, SNOlycrap, SNOtards, SNOverated, SNOverreaction, SNOverestimated, SNOthingsgonnahappen, SNOba_fett, SNObalWarming, SNOblivion, SNOproblem, SNOwayinhell, SNOtoriousBIG, SNOf__kyourself, SNOflakes, SNOcoholics, SNOtography, SNOtos.