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- you can quote word for word, one or more of the movies. (Wedge)
- you always try to use the Jedi mind trick on nightclub doormen when they won't let you
in. ( )
- you every tell your date "I'd rather kiss a wookie," and meant it... ( )
- you can tell the difference between the Wedge and X-wing Luke action figures. ( )
- you've ever tried to build your own light sabre. ( )
- you miss the last cheerio in your cereal bowl and say "The force is strong with
this one." ( )
- you have a degree in the Ewok language...
- you USE your degree in the Ewok language.
- ...anytime you see anyone named Luke you tell them "Luke, I am your father"
- if you have ever tried to use the force.
- ...and it worked!
- if you do this:
(used to be Java - Ascii-mation version of the movie)
- you name your children after your favourite characters. (Mr Funny Bone)
- you only holiday in Tunisia, where they filmed some of the scenes. (Mr Funny Bone)
- you go around everywhere dressed as a character from the film. (Mr Funny Bone)
- ...especially if it's an Ewok or Wookie...
- you think your 80 year old grandad look like yoda. (Mr Funny Bone)
- you cried "Blasphemy!" when the KFC/Pizza Hut/Taco Bell commercial promoting
Episode I came out.
- your company was giving away pairs of tickets (one entry per person) to an advanced
screening and you filled out entries for other people so that you'd have more chances to
- you camped out for a week and a half to buy your twelve tickets before the first Prequel
came out. (Laura Cole)
- you used all of those tickets yourself. (Laura Cole)
- you still have all of your old Star Wars action figures from when each movie first came
- you saved the promotional cups from Taco Bell when they re-released the Trilogy.
- your dog's name is Yoda. (A Chihuahua maybe?)
- ...or Chewbacca. (A Cairn terrier--Wizard of Oz's Toto--with extremely long hair.)
- you not only saw the original release of the entire Trilogy, but saw the re-releases
several times.
- ...and then bought them on videotape.
- the collective value of all the Star Wars memorabilia in your house is more than the
value of any car you have ever owned.
- you set up your own server + T1 connection dedicated as a mirror site for the Star Wars
Prequel trailers.
- you devised an optimal way to serve these files using a high-speed hard drive combined
with a 20 CD-ROM array.
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