You might be a net newbie if... 
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  • oR YoU StIlL WrItE EmAiLs iN AlTeRnAtInG CaSe.
  • you believe what people say in chatrooms is actually the truth, and that girl in it really WILL love you for ever. ( )
  • ...even though she hasn't seen you and you haven't seen her! ( )
  • you're actually turned on by cyber-ing.
  • you really believe the "get rich quick" scams you receive in e-mail will work. ( )
  • you think the "Get Paid to Surf" programs will make you rich. ( )
  • you're still signing up for *free* adult pics in your inbox.
  • you think free hardcore adult sites actually exist. ( )
  • you think that all pay sites have original pictures.
  • you can't associate surfing with web pages. ( )
  • you regularly report things you find on USENET to your ISP.
  • you still believe in the modem tax.
  • ...and you think you saw it on your last phone bill.
  • you think "Jessica Mydek" is really the name of a little girl dying of cancer, and you fill compelled to forward the e-mail about her condition to the entire company, all of your friends, and their family pets.
  • a *Virus Warning* that you once read now makes you panic whenever you get a message saying: Returned Mail: Host Unknown
  • every time you've posted a message to a newsgroup, you've been flamed by at least ten people.
  • you've been flamed several times, but you still don't know the meaning of the term.
  • you post messages saying "UNSUBSCRIBE" to the mailing list that you've subscribed to...
  • ...spelled "UNSUBIBE," "UNSUBSCIBE," UNSBSCRIB," etc...
  • ...and other newbies follow your example...
  • ...and you shut down the entire list because of all the junk traffic.
  • you think spam is a type of lunch meat.  (Matt I.) ...hey... isn't this a redneck thing, too?
  • you can't tell the difference between a web URL and an e-mail address.  (hint: e-mail addresses don't have http:// and web URLs don't have @'s)
  • your message submission from a submit form says:  "Enter your submission here."
  • you think flaming someone involves a lighter and an aerosol can. (Dane S.) ... I am not responsible for anyone who tries this at home.
  • you think that using your browser to go on IRC rocks. (Tom) Honestly, IRC seems too newbie-ish to begin with. There are much better ways to waste your time on the Internet.
  • you are actually surprised that there are XXX sites on the Internet. (Inspired by a submission by Tom) Think about it people:  Lonely geeks + pictures of naked women on the computer...  Shouldn't the Internet be a virtual pornocopia?????


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