You Might be an Engineer if…

  • you have half-broken objects in your house that you refuse to throw away with the hope that you can someday fix them.
  • you spend time looking at house hold products trying to devise a method for improvement.
  • you actually buy technical books.
  • you think that your way is the best way to do everything and constantly challenge ideas.
  • you solder tools together to form new objects
  • you constantly inform people that the ships in Star Wars should all be silent in space. (Stu)
  • …and pick out other faults in movies regarding machines. (Stu)
  • you tell people that time travel is impossible. (Stu)
  • …minutes later you think of how you would build a time machine. (Stu)
  • you know “natural frequency” has nothing to do with bowel movements. (Stu)
  • you get angry when people won’t let you fix things they’ve broken. (Stu)
  • you tried to build Transformer toys out of lego as a kid. (Stu)
  • …and tried to invent various lego contraptions in the hope of making money. (Stu)
  • you beg everyone you know to call you “Scotty.” (Caitlin H.)
  • you can do vector calculus in your head, but you forgot how to do long division. (Psycho Dragon,
  • you consider a databook “good reading” when you’re on the toilet. (Stu Bell)
  • the first thing you do with anything new is take it apart to see how it works. (Stu Bell)
  • the last time you moved, you needed two dumpsters to haul off the scrap electrical parts from your work room.  (Stu Bell)
  • you not only know what a left-handed constabulator is, but you designed one once, for fun.  (Stu Bell) Okay, okay… I’m more of a computer geek than an engineer…
  • you paid more for math and science books during college than most people pay for tuition.